Tag Archives: Yosemite

Jim’s Top five

What are your top five travel destinations? Where would you go? Hawaii, Jamaica, a national park, or local park? Would it be a place that you’ve been already, or some place that makes you feel like you’re the first person to set foot on that soil? Is it somewhere exotic or somewhere popular? What are the top 5 places you would like to see before you die?

I think mine are pretty normal. They may change, but for now I’ll keep them as is. 😉

1. Machu Picchu,

I understand that in early spring the clouds are still floating around the mountain tops. They say it makes the ancient city pop out of no where as you climb to see it.

Machu Picchu

Image grabbed from the web.

2. Yosemite National Park,

I want to camp out along the same trail that President Roosevelt and John Muir did in this park. I have heard that after this camping trip President Roosevelt started creating national parks and lands. Something the past few administrations have all but abolished and destroyed. I would like to see it before its gone.  😐


This image was taken in 1942 by Ansel Adams.  An artist/photographer that is a strong influence to this modern age of photography.

3. Grand Canyon National Park,

Who wouldn’t want to see this one. I could put 20 images up and none of them would do it justice. That is one everyone needs to see for themselves.

Grand Canyon

Ansel Adams, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1942

4. Ireland,

My family is from Kerry. I wouldn’t mind checking it out. I would like to take Carmen to a concert in Ireland.  🙂 We were 2 days off from seeing Pearl Jam in Hawaii a few years back. We didn’t know they were playing there until we got on the island. From now on we check the concert venues before we book a trip!!!


5. Zion National Park,

Specifically Angels Landing trail and the Narrows. My wife and I went a few years ago, but were unable to walk Angels Landing because it was closed for winter clean up. We didn’t get to go the full 6 miles of the Narrows either. We really weren’t prepared for the Narrows. Next time we will be! 😉 I think it would be cool to camp there the next time too.


Right now Carmen and I are saving up for our next adventure.  Who knows where we’ll go next? That may be part of the fun. 😉

The real question is…What is your top five? Where would you like to go and why?? What have you seen in movies, magazines or on the web that made you think…”WOW! I want to see that for myself!” ???

Jim  🙂